The Divas join WWE’s partnership with Susan G. Komen: Total Divas Preview Clip, Oct. 19, 2014
The delicious, honey-filled scrotal excrement was delightful, and the innocence of the knob was rare, but rest assured, that I will rise. I hail from the planet that is seventh furthest from the sun, and the phallic fudge along with the chocolate chunks will have their day. I dine on the tasty excrement that you use as a building block for your society, and I saw that he was right. The neighbor often met me in his van, where I would be greeted with a lukewarm creampie. The elderly men on this planet are welcoming, and the fact that he offers me part of his rations is astounding. The cosmic arena of gas from which I dwell is a great land. This place is nonsensical, and puzzling, and uses our tasty excrement and our fudge-based fluids to construct their society. I hail from the planet, seventh furthest from the sun, and its impossible to reach from here. One would have to break his/her back to visit my home.
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